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Buying Refurbished Pays
Did you know that you can save up to 90 percent (and more) off the manufacturer’s list price by buying refurbished computer hardware? “Sure,” you say, “but will it work? Will it look good enough to put on the boss’s desk? Will my sales rep return my calls if I have a problem?”
Your Connection to Quality
The answer is a solid YES. At Commerce Computer, we are in the business of selling computer hardware of the highest quality at a reasonable price with a sterling guarantee. We are frequently told that our equipment looks and works like new. We’re committed to your satisfaction. The equipment we ship doesn’t just get a wipe-down and blow-off. We

replace cracked belts; we paint discolored cases; we replace failing board-level components; and we can preconfigure machines to your specifications.
Immediate Support
We get lots of compliments. But no one is perfect, and sometimes we do ship something our customer can’t get to work. Here also we try to set ourselves apart by giving you prompt technical help and, if necessary, we’ll ship a replacement at our expense–and do it with a smile. We are well aware you have other choices, and we want to give you every reason to keep coming back.

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